cook: význam a definície

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Čo je cook?

  • To prepare (food) for eating by applying heat.
  • To prepare or treat by heating: slowly cooked the medicinal mixture.
  • Slang To alter or falsify so as to make a more favorable impression; doctor: disreputable accountants who were paid to cook the firm's books.
  • To prepare food for eating by applying heat.
  • To undergo application of heat especially for the purpose of later ingestion.
  • Slang To happen, develop, or take place: What's cooking in town?
  • Slang To proceed or perform very well: The band really got cooking after midnight.
  • A person who prepares food for eating.
  • cook up Informal To fabricate; concoct: cook up an excuse.
  • cook (one's) goose Slang To ruin one's chances: The speeding ticket cooked his goose with his father. Her goose was cooked when she was caught cheating on the test.