cliping: significat i definicions

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Què és cliping?

Què és cliping?

  • To cut, cut off, or cut out with or as if with shears: clip coupons; clipped three seconds off the record.
  • To make shorter by cutting; trim: clip a hedge.
  • To cut off the edge of: clip a coin.
  • To cut short; curtail.
  • To shorten (a word or words) by leaving out letters or syllables. To enunciate with clarity and precision: clip one's words.
  • Informal To hit with a sharp blow: clipped me under the eye.
  • Football To block (an opponent) illegally from the rear.
  • Sports To hit or kick (the ball) in a certain direction.
  • Slang To cheat, swindle, or rob.
  • To cut something.
  • Informal To move rapidly.
  • The act of clipping.
  • Something clipped off, especially: The wool shorn at one shearing, as of sheep. A season's shearing.
  • A short extract from a movie or television program.
  • Informal A quick sharp blow: a clip on the ear.
  • Football An illegal block from the rear.
  • Informal A pace or rate: go at a fast clip.
  • A single occasion; a time: could write nine pages at a clip.
  • A pair of shears or clippers.
  • Any of various devices for gripping or holding things together; a clasp or fastener.
  • A piece of jewelry that fastens with a clasp or clip; a brooch.
  • A cartridge clip.
  • To fasten with or as if with a clip; hold tightly.
  • Archaic To embrace or encompass.

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