

什么是 choke

  • To interfere with the respiration of by compression or obstruction of the larynx or trachea.
  • To check or slow down the movement, growth, or action of: a garden that was choked by weeds.
  • To block up or obstruct by filling or clogging: Mud choked the drainpipe.
  • To fill up completely; jam: Major commuter arteries were choked with stalled traffic.
  • To reduce the air intake of (a carburetor), thereby enriching the fuel mixture.
  • Sports To grip (a bat or racket, for example) at a point nearer the hitting surface.
  • To have difficulty in breathing, swallowing, or speaking.
  • To become blocked up or obstructed.
  • Sports To shorten one's grip on the handle of a bat or racket. Often used with up.
  • To fail to perform effectively because of nervous agitation or tension, especially in an athletic contest: choked by missing an easy putt on the final hole.
  • The act or sound of choking.
  • Something that constricts or chokes.
  • A slight narrowing of the barrel of a shotgun serving to concentrate the shot.
  • A device used in an internal-combustion engine to enrich the fuel mixture by reducing the flow of air to the carburetor.
  • The fibrous inedible center of an artichoke head.
  • choke back To hold back; suppress: choked back his tears.
  • choke off To bring to an end as if by choking: "Treasury borrowing of existing savings would drive up the interest rate and choke off economic activity” ( Paul Craig Roberts).
  • choke up To be unable to speak because of strong emotion.