chatter betydelser och definitioner

EngelskaSkriv ett ord

Vad är chatter?

  • To talk rapidly, incessantly, and on trivial subjects; jabber.
  • To utter a rapid series of short, inarticulate, speechlike sounds: birds chattering in the trees.
  • To click quickly and repeatedly: Our teeth chattered from the cold.
  • To vibrate or rattle while in operation: A power drill will chatter if the bit is loose.
  • To utter in a rapid, usually thoughtless way: chattered a long reply.
  • Idle, trivial talk.
  • Communication, such as e-mail and cell phone calls, between people who are involved in terrorism or espionage, as monitored by a government agency.
  • The sharp, rapid sounds made by some birds and animals.
  • A series of quick rattling or clicking sounds.