cement: signification et définitions

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Qu'est-ce qu'un cement?

  • A building material made by grinding calcined limestone and clay to a fine powder, which can be mixed with water and poured to set as a solid mass or used as an ingredient in making mortar or concrete.
  • Portland cement.
  • Concrete.
  • A substance that hardens to act as an adhesive; glue.
  • Something that serves to bind or unite: "Custom was in early days the cement of society” ( Walter Bagehot).
  • Geology A chemically precipitated substance that binds particles of clastic rocks.
  • Dentistry A substance used for filling cavities or anchoring crowns, inlays, or other restorations.
  • Variant of cementum.
  • To bind with or as if with cement.
  • To cover or coat with cement.
  • To become cemented.
  • in cement Firmly settled or determined; unalterable: The administration's position on taxes was set in cement despite the unfavorable public response.