canon : अर्थ और परिभाषाएं

अंग्रेज़ीएक शब्द टाइप करें

canon क्या हैं?

  • An ecclesiastical law or code of laws established by a church council.
  • A secular law, rule, or code of law.
  • An established principle: the canons of polite society.
  • A basis for judgment; a standard or criterion.
  • The books of the Bible officially accepted as Holy Scripture.
  • A group of literary works that are generally accepted as representing a field: "the durable canon of American short fiction” ( William Styron).
  • The works of a writer that have been accepted as authentic: the entire Shakespeare canon.
  • The part of the Mass beginning after the Preface and Sanctus and ending just before the Lord's Prayer.
  • The calendar of saints accepted by the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Music A composition or passage in which a melody is imitated by one or more voices at fixed intervals of pitch and time.
  • A member of a chapter of priests serving in a cathedral or collegiate church.
  • A member of certain religious communities living under a common rule and bound by vows.