wimple-wimple: अर्थ, परिभाषाएं और अनुवाद

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wimple क्या हैं?wimple का अर्थ wimple हैं

wimple क्या हैं?

  • A cloth wound around the head, framing the face, and drawn into folds beneath the chin, worn by women in medieval times and as part of the habit of certain orders of nuns.
    Una ferida de tela al voltant del cap, emmarcant la cara, i dibuixada en plecs sota la barbeta, usada per les dones a l'època medieval i com a part de l'hàbit de certs ordes de monges.
  • A fold or pleat in cloth.
    Un plec o plec en tela.
  • A ripple, as on the surface of water.
    A ripple, com a la superfície d'aigua.
  • A curve or bend.
    Una corba o corba.
  • To cover with or dress in a wimple.
    Per tapar-se o vestir-se amb un enginy.
  • To cause to form folds, pleats, or ripples.
    Per provocar que es formin plecs, plecs o ondulacions.
  • Archaic To form or lie in folds.
    Arcaic Formar o jeure en plecs.
  • To ripple.
    Per ondular.