until-fins a: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is until? until is fins a

What is fins a?

  • Up to the time of: We danced until dawn.

    Fins al moment de: Hem ballat fins a la matinada.

  • Before (a specified time): She can't leave until Friday.

    Abans (una hora determinada): ella no pot deixar fins divendres.

  • Scots Unto; to.

    Escocesos a; a.

  • Up to the time that: We walked until it got dark.

    Fins al moment que: caminem fins que arribem fosc.

  • Before: You cannot leave until your work is finished.

    Abans: No pot marxar fins que s'acabi el seu treball.

  • To the point or extent that: I talked until I was hoarse. See Usage Note at till2.

    Al punt o mesura que: he parlat fins que fos ronca. Veure nota d'ús a till2.

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