though-encara que: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is though? though is encara que

What is encara que?

  • Despite the fact that; although: He still argues, though he knows he's wrong. Even though it was raining, she walked to work.

    Tot i això; encara discuteix, tot i que sap que s'equivoca. Tot i que plovia, va anar a treballar.

  • Conceding or supposing that; even if: Though they may not succeed, they will still try. See Usage Note at although.

    Concedir o suposar això; encara que: Encara que no ho aconsegueixin, encara ho intentaran. Vegeu Nota d'ús a tot i que.

  • However; nevertheless: Snow is not predicted; we can expect some rain, though.

    No obstant això,; no obstant això: no es preveu neu; No obstant això, podem esperar una mica de pluja.

  • Informal Used as an intensive: Wouldn't that beat all, though?

    Informal utilitzat com un intensiu: No ho superaria tot?

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