tangible-tangibles: betydning, definisjoner og oversettelser

Engelsk ordbok%dictionary_xs%Katalansk

Hva er tangible?tangible er tangibles

Hva er tangibles?

  • Discernible by the touch; palpable: a tangible roughness of the skin.
    Discernible pel tacte; palpable: una rugositat tangible de la pell.
  • Possible to touch.
    Es pot tocar.
  • Possible to be treated as fact; real or concrete: tangible evidence.
    Possible ser tractat com un fet; real o concreta: evidències tangibles.
  • Possible to understand or realize: the tangible benefits of the plan.
    Possible comprendre o realitzar: els beneficis tangibles del pla.
  • Law That can be valued monetarily: tangible property.
    Llei Que es pot valorar monetàriament: propietat tangible.
  • Something palpable or concrete.
    Una cosa palpable o concreta.
  • Material assets.
    Béns materials.