support-suport: significato, definizioni e traduzioni

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Cos'è support?support è suport

Cos'è suport?

  • To bear the weight of, especially from below.
    Per suportar el pes de, especialment des de baix.
  • To hold in position so as to keep from falling, sinking, or slipping.
    Mantenir-se en posició per evitar caure, enfonsar-se o relliscar.
  • To be capable of bearing; withstand: "His flaw'd heart . . . too weak the conflict to support” ( Shakespeare).
    Ser capaç de suportar; Suport: "El seu defecte de cor ... massa feble el conflicte per donar suport" (Shakespeare).
  • To keep from weakening or failing; strengthen: The letter supported him in his grief.
    Per evitar debilitar-se o fallar; La carta li va donar suport en el seu dolor.
  • To provide for or maintain, by supplying with money or necessities.
    Proporcionar o mantenir, subministrant diners o necessitats.
  • To furnish corroborating evidence for: New facts supported her story.
    Per proporcionar proves corroboradores per: Nous fets van donar suport a la seva història.
  • To aid the cause, policy, or interests of: supported her in her election campaign.
    Per ajudar a la causa, política o interessos de: li va donar suport en la seva campanya electoral.
  • To argue in favor of; advocate: supported lower taxes.
    Argumentar a favor de; Advocat: suport a la baixada d'impostos.
  • To endure; tolerate: "At supper there was such a conflux of company that I could scarcely support the tumult” ( Samuel Johnson).
    Per aguantar; Tolera: "Al sopar hi havia tanta confluència de companyia que amb prou feines podia suportar el tumult" (Samuel Johnson).
  • To act in a secondary or subordinate role to (a leading performer).
    Actuar en un paper secundari o subordinat a (un intèrpret principal).
  • The act of supporting.
    L'acte de donar suport.
  • The state of being supported.
    L'estat de suport.
  • One that supports.
    Un que dóna suport.
  • Maintenance, as of a family, with the necessities of life.
    Manteniment, com a família, amb les necessitats de la vida.