%%: 意味、定義と翻訳


strikeとは何ですか? strikevagaです


  • To hit sharply, as with the hand, the fist, or a weapon.

    Colpejar bruscament, com amb la mà, el puny, o una arma.

  • To inflict (a blow).

    Infligir (un cop).

  • To penetrate or pierce: was struck in the leg by a bullet.

    Penetrar o perforar: va ser colpejat a la cama per una bala.

  • To collide with or crash into: She struck the desk with her knee.

    Per xocar o estavellar-se: va colpejar l'escriptori amb el genoll.

  • To cause to come into violent or forceful contact: She struck her knee against the desk.

    Per fer que entem en contacte violent o contundent: es va colpejar el genoll contra l'escriptori.

  • To thrust (a weapon, for example) in or into someone or something: struck the sword into the dragon.

    Per empènyer (una arma, per exemple) dins o en algú o alguna cosa així: va colpejar l'espasa al drac.

  • To damage or destroy, as by forceful contact: Lightning struck the tree.

    Danyar o destruir, com per contacte contundent: Un llamp va colpejar l'arbre.

  • To make a military attack on; assault.

    Per fer un atac militar contra; assalt.

  • To afflict suddenly, as with a disease or impairment: was stricken with cancer.

    Per afligir de sobte, com amb una malaltia o deteriorament: va ser afectat per càncer.

  • To cause to become by or as if by a blow: struck him dead.

    Per fer que es converteixi en o com si fos per un cop: el va colpejar mort.

  • To snap at or seize (a bait).

    Per ajustar o agafar (un esquer).

  • To hook (a fish that has taken the bait) by a pull on the line.

    Enganxar (un peix que ha pres l'esquer) per una tirada a la línia.

  • To wound by biting. Used especially of a snake.

    Ferir mossegant. S'utilitza especialment d'una serp.

  • To form by stamping, printing, or punching: strike a medallion.

    Per formar-se estampant, imprimint o punxant: colpejar un medalló.

  • To produce or play by manipulating strings or keys: strike a B flat; strike w, t, and y on the typewriter.

    Per produir o reproduir manipulant cadenes o tecles: colpejar un bemoll en si; vaga w, t, i y a la màquina d'escriure.

  • To indicate by a percussive or chiming sound: The clock struck nine.

    Per indicar-ho per un so percussiu o de xiulets: el rellotge va tocar nou.

  • To produce as if by playing a musical instrument: The report struck a positive note in the final paragraph.

    Per produir com si toqués un instrument musical: l'informe va donar una nota positiva en el paràgraf final.

  • To produce by friction or a blow: struck fire from the flints.

    Per produir per fricció o un cop: va colpejar el foc dels sílex.

  • To produce flame, light, or a spark from by friction: strike a match.

    Per produir flama, llum o una espurna de fricció: colpejar un partit.

  • To remove or separate with or as if with a blow: struck the wasp from his shoulder; struck off the diseased branch with a machete.

    Per treure o separar-se amb o com si fos amb un cop: colpejar la vespa de l'espatlla; Va colpejar la branca malalta amb un matxet.

  • To eliminate or expunge: strike a statement from the court records.

    Per eliminar o expulsar: fer una declaració dels registres judicials.

  • To come upon; discover: struck gold.

    per venir; Descobreix: or colpejat.

  • To come to; attain: finally struck the main trail.

    Per venir; assoliment: finalment va colpejar el camí principal.

  • To fall upon; shine on: A bright light struck her face.

    Caure sobre; Una llum brillant li va colpejar la cara.

  • To become audible to: An odd sound struck his ear.

    Per arribar a ser audible a: Un so estrany li va colpejar l'orella.

