steady-constant: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is steady? steady is constant

What is constant?

  • Firm in position or place; fixed.

    Ferm en posició o lloc; fix.

  • Direct and unfaltering; sure.

    Directe i infal·lible; segur.

  • Free or almost free from change, variation, or fluctuation; uniform: a steady increase in value; a steady breeze.

    Lliure o gairebé lliure de canvi, variació o fluctuació; uniforme: un augment constant del valor; una brisa constant.

  • Not easily excited or upset: steady nerves.

    No fàcilment emocionat o molest: nervis constants.

  • Unwavering, as in purpose; steadfast.

    Indestructible, com a propòsit; ferm.

  • Reliable; dependable.

    Fiable; fiable.

  • Temperate; sober.

    Temperat; sobri.

  • To make or become steady.

    Per fer o fer-se constant.

  • Nautical Used to direct a helmsman to keep a ship's head in the same direction: Steady as she goes!

    Nàutica Solia dirigir un timó per mantenir el cap d'un vaixell en la mateixa direcció: Ferm mentre va!

  • The person whom one dates regularly, usually exclusively.

    La persona a qui un es cita regularment, normalment exclusivament.

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