spent-va passar: significado, definições e traduções

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O que é spent? spent é va passar

O que é va passar?

  • Past tense and past participle of spend.

    Passat el temps i el passat participen de la despesa.

  • Used up; consumed: a spent youth.

    S'ha esgotat; Consumit: una joventut gastada.

  • Having come to an end; passed: a spent era of opulence.

    Havent arribat a la seva fi; passada: una època passada d'opulència.

  • Depleted of energy, force, or strength; exhausted: At the end of the hot day the spent workers slept under a shady tree.

    Esgotat d'energia, força o força; esgotats: Al final del dia calorós els treballadors gastats dormien sota un arbre ombrívol.

  • Nautical Of or relating to a vessel at the end of a voyage, with fuel, stores, and water consumed and cargo discharged.

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