since-des de:释义和翻译

英语 词典%dictionary_xs%加泰隆语

什么是 sincesincedes de

什么是 des de

  • From then until now or between then and now: They left town and haven't been here since.
    Des de llavors fins ara o entre llavors i ara: va deixar la ciutat i no han estat aquí des.
  • Before now; ago: a name long since forgotten.
    Abans d'ara; fa: un nom llarg ja oblidat.
  • After some point in the past; at a subsequent time: My friend has since married and moved to California.
    Després d'algun moment en el passat; en un moment posterior: el meu amic des d'aleshores ha casat i es traslladà a Califòrnia.
  • Continuously from: They have been friends since childhood.
    Contínuament de: han estat amics des de la infància.
  • Intermittently from: She's been skiing since childhood.
    Intermitentment des: ella ha estat esquí des de la infància.
  • During the period subsequent to the time when: He hasn't been home since he graduated.
    Durant el període posterior a l'hora quan: no ha estat casa des que es va graduar.
  • Continuously from the time when: They have been friends ever since they were in grade school.
    Ininterrompudament des del moment quan: han estat amics des que eren a l'escola primària.
  • Inasmuch as; because: Since you're not interested, I won't tell you about it.
    En la mesura en; perquè: ja que no està interessat, no li dirà sobre això.