shake-sacsejada: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is shake? shake is sacsejada

What is sacsejada?

  • To cause to move to and fro with jerky movements.

    Fer que es mogui cap a i amb moviments esgarrifosos.

  • To cause to quiver, tremble, vibrate, or rock.

    Provocar tremolar, tremolar, vibrar o roca.

  • To cause to lose stability or waver: a crisis that shook my deepest beliefs.

    Per perdre estabilitat o ondulació: una crisi que va sacsejar les meves creences més profundes.

  • To remove or dislodge by jerky movements: shook the dust from the cushions.

    Per eliminar o deslligar-se pels moviments esgarrifosos: sacsejar la pols dels coixins.

  • To bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking: "It is not easy to shake one's heart free of the impression” ( John Middleton Murry).

    Portar a una condició especificada per o com si tremolés: "No és fàcil sacsejar el cor lliure de la impressió" ( John Middleton Murry).

  • Slang To get rid of: couldn't shake the man who was following us.

    Argot Per desfer-se de: no podia sacsejar l'home que ens seguia.

  • To disturb or agitate; unnerve: She was shaken by the news of the disaster.

    Molestar o agitar; va ser sacsejada per la notícia del desastre.

  • To brandish or wave, especially in anger: shake one's fist.

    Brandar o onar, sobretot en ràbia: sacsejar el puny.

  • To clasp (hands) in greeting or leave-taking or as a sign of agreement.

    Per clavar (mans) en salutació o abandonament o com a signe d'acord.

  • Music To trill (a note).

    Música per trill (una nota).

  • Games To rattle and mix (dice) before casting.

    Jocs Per ratllar i barrejar (daus) abans de la fosa.

  • To move to and fro in short, irregular, often jerky movements.

    Desplaçar-se a i congelar en moviments curts, irregulars, sovint irrons.

  • To tremble, as from cold or in anger.

    Tremolar, de fred o de ràbia.

  • To be unsteady; totter or waver.

    Ser inútil; totter o waver.

  • To move something vigorously up and down or from side to side, as in mixing.

    Moure alguna cosa vigorosament amunt i avall o d'un costat a un altre, com en la barreja.

  • Music To trill.

    Música per trill.

  • To shake hands: Let's shake on it.

    Per donar-li la mà: Donem-li la mà.

  • The act of shaking.

    L'acte de tremolar.

  • A trembling or quivering movement.

    Un moviment tremolós o tremolós.

  • Informal An earthquake.

    Un terratrèmol informal.

  • A fissure in rock.

    Una fissura a la roca.

  • A crack in timber caused by wind or frost.

    Una esquerda en la fusta causada pel vent o les gelades.

  • Informal A moment or instant; a trice: I'll do it in a shake.

    Informal Un moment o instant; un intent: ho faré d'una sacsejada.

  • Music A trill.

    Música A trill.

  • See milk shake.

    Veure batut de llet.

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