separate-separat: Bedeutung, Definitionen und Übersetzungen


Was heißt separate?separate heißt separat

Was heißt separat?

  • To set or keep apart; disunite.
    Per establir o mantenir part; disunite.
  • To space apart; scatter: small farms that were separated one from another by miles of open land.
    A espai part; dispersió: petites explotacions que van ser separats entre si per milles d'obrir el terra.
  • To sort: separate mail by postal zones.
    Per ordenar: separar correu per zones postals.
  • To differentiate or discriminate between; distinguish: a researcher who separated the various ethnic components of the population sample.
    Diferenciar o discriminar entre; distingir: un investigador que separats els ètnics diferents components de la Mostra de població.
  • To remove from a mixture or combination; isolate.
    Treure d'una mescla o combinació; aïllar.
  • To part (a couple), often by decree: She was separated from her husband last year.
    A part (una parella), sovint per decret: Va ser separada del seu marit l'any passat.
  • To terminate a contractual relationship, as military service, with; discharge.
    Rescindir una relació contractual, com a servei militar, amb; descàrrega.
  • To come apart.
    Per separar-se.
  • To withdraw: The state threatened to separate from the Union.
    Retirar-se: l'Estat va amenaçar de separar-se de la Unió.
  • To part company; disperse.
    A part de l'empresa; dispersar.
  • To stop living together as spouses.
    Deixar de viure junts com a esposos.
  • To become divided into components or parts: Oil and water tend to separate.
    Per dividir-se en components o parts: l'oli i l'aigua tendeixen a separar-se.
  • Set or kept apart; disunited: Libraries often have a separate section for reference books.
    Establir o mantenir separats; desunides: Les biblioteques sovint tenen una secció separada per a llibres de referència.
  • Existing as an independent entity.
    Existeix com a entitat independent.
  • Having undergone schism or estrangement from a parent body: Separate churches.
    Haver patit cisma o allunyament d'un cos pare: esglésies separades.
  • Dissimilar from all others; distinct: "a policeman's way of being separate from you even when he was being nice” ( John le Carré).
    Diferent de tots els altres; distint:
  • Not shared; individual: two people who held separate views on the issue.
    No compartit; individuals: dues persones que tenien punts de vista separats sobre el tema.
  • Archaic Withdrawn from others; solitary.
    Arcaic retirat dels altres; solitari.
  • A garment, such as a skirt, jacket, or pair of slacks, that may be purchased separately and worn in various combinations with other garments.
    Una peça, com una faldilla, jaqueta o un parell de pantalons, que es pot comprar per separat i es porta en diverses combinacions amb altres peces.