sensiblesensat: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإنكليزية%dictionary_xs%الكتالانية

ما معنىsensible؟ معنى sensible هو sensat

ما معنىsensat؟

  • Perceptible by the senses or by the mind.

    Perceptible pels sentits o per la ment.

  • Readily perceived; appreciable.

    Fàcilment percebut; apreciable.

  • Having the faculty of sensation; able to feel or perceive.

    Tenir la facultat de la sensació; Capaç de sentir o percebre.

  • Having a perception of something; cognizant: "I am sensible that a good deal more is still to be done” ( Edmund Burke). See Synonyms at aware.

    Tenir una percepció d'alguna cosa; "Sóc assenyat que encara queda molt per fer" (Edmund Burke). Vegeu sinònims a aware.

  • Acting with or exhibiting good sense: a sensible person; a sensible choice.

    Actuar o mostrar bon sentit: una persona sensata; Una opció sensata.

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