sculpture-escultura: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is sculpture? sculpture is escultura

What is escultura?

  • The art or practice of shaping figures or designs in the round or in relief, as by chiseling marble, modeling clay, or casting in metal.

    L'art o la pràctica de la formació de figures o dissenys en la ronda o en relleu, com per cimentar marbre, modelatge d'argila, o de fosa en metall.

  • A work of art created by sculpture.

    Una obra d'art creada per l'escultura.

  • Such works of art considered as a group.

    Aquestes obres d'art considerades com a col·lectiu.

  • Ridges, indentations, or other markings, as on a shell, formed by natural processes.

    Crestes, sagnats o altres marques, com en una petxina, formades per processos naturals.

  • To fashion (stone, bronze, or wood, for example) into a three-dimensional figure.

    Modelar (pedra, bronze o fusta, per exemple) en una figura tridimensional.

  • To represent in sculpture.

    Per representar en escultura.

  • To ornament with sculpture.

    Per ornamentar amb escultura.

  • To change the shape or contour of, as by erosion.

    Per canviar la forma o el contorn de, com per erosió.

  • To make sculptures or a sculpture.

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