represent-representar: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is represent? represent is representar

What is representar?

  • To stand for; symbolize: The bald eagle represents the United States.

    Reposar; simbolitzen: Pigarg representa als Estats Units.

  • To indicate or communicate by signs or symbols: Letters of the alphabet represent sounds.

    Indicar o es comuniquen per signes o símbols: lletres de l alfabet representen sons.

  • To depict in art; portray.

    Per representar a l'art; retratar.

  • To describe or present in words; set forth.

    A descriure o presentar de la paraula; s'estableix.

  • To present clearly to the mind.

    Presentar clarament a la ment.

  • To draw attention to by way of remonstrance or protest: Our parents represented to us the need for greater caution.

    Per cridar l'atenció per a tall de remonstrance o de protesta: els nostres pares representats per a nosaltres la necessitat d'una major atenció.

  • To describe or put forward (a person or thing) as an embodiment of a specified quality.

    Descriure o presentar (una persona o cosa) com una encarnació d'una qualitat especificada.

  • To serve as the official and authorized delegate or agent for.

    Servir com a delegat oficial i autoritzat per a l'agent.

  • To act as a spokesperson for.

    Actuar com a portaveu.

  • To serve as an example of: The museum had several paintings representing the artist's early style.

    Per servir d'exemple: El museu tenia diverses pintures que representaven l'estil primerenc de l'artista.

  • To be the equivalent of.

    Ser l'equivalent.

  • To stage (a play, for example); produce.

    A l'escenari (una obra de teatre, per exemple); produir.

  • To act the part or role of.

    Per actuar la part o el paper de.

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