repository-repositori: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is repository?repository is repositori

What is repositori?

  • A place where things may be put for safekeeping.
    Un lloc on es puguin posar coses per a la custòdia.
  • A warehouse.
    Un magatzem.
  • A museum.
    Un museu.
  • A burial vault; a tomb.
    Una volta funerària; una tomba.
  • One that contains or is a store of something specified: "Bone marrow is also the repository for some leukemias and lymphomas” ( Seth Rolbein).
    Un que conté o és un magatzem d'alguna cosa especificada:
  • One who is entrusted with secrets or confidential information.
    Aquell a qui se li confien secrets o informació confidencial.