railroadferrocarril: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

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ما معنىrailroad؟ معنى railroad هو ferrocarril

ما معنىferrocarril؟

  • A road composed of parallel steel rails supported by ties and providing a track for locomotive-drawn trains or other wheeled vehicles.

    Composta per un camí paral·lel baranes d'acer recolzada per llaços i proporcionant una pista per a trens dibuixats locomotora o altres vehicles de rodes.

  • A system of railroad track, together with the land, stations, rolling stock, and other related property under one management.

    Un sistema de vies de ferrocarril, juntament amb la terra, les estacions, rodant i altres relacionats amb la propietat sota una direcció.

  • To transport by railroad.

    Transport per ferrocarril.

  • To supply (an area) with railroads.

    A subministrar (una àrea) amb Ferrocarrils.

  • Informal To rush or push (something) through quickly in order to prevent careful consideration and possible criticism or obstruction: railroad a special-interest bill through Congress.
  • Informal To convict (an accused person) without a fair trial or on trumped-up charges.
  • To work for a railroad company.

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