partner-soci: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is partner? partner is soci

What is soci?

  • One that is united or associated with another or others in an activity or a sphere of common interest, especially:

    Un Regne o associat amb un altre o altres en una activitat o una esfera d'interès comú, especialment:

  • Either of two persons dancing together.

    Qualsevol de les dues persones ballant junts.

  • A member of a business partnership.

    Membre d'una associació de negocis.

  • A spouse.

    Un cònjuge.

  • A domestic partner. See Usage Note at domestic partner.

    Soci domèstics. Veure nota d'ús al domestic partner.

  • One of a pair or team in a sport or game, such as tennis or bridge.

    Un d'un parell o equip en un esport o joc, com el tennis o el pont.

  • Nautical A wooden framework used to strengthen a ship's deck at the point where a mast or other structure passes through it. Often used in the plural.

    Un marc de fusta s'utilitza per enfortir la coberta d'una nau en el punt on un pal o altra estructura passa per nàutica. S'utilitza sovint en plural.

  • To make a partner of.

    Fer soci de.

  • To bring together as partners.

    De posar en comú com a socis.

  • To be the partner of.

    De ser el soci d.

  • To work or perform as a partner or partners.

    Per treballar o realitzar com a soci o socis.

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