neighbor-veí: znaczenie, definicje i tłumaczenia

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Co jest neighbor? neighbor jest veí

Co jest veí?

  • One who lives near or next to another.

    Un que viu a prop o al costat d'un altre.

  • A person, place, or thing adjacent to or located near another.

    Una persona, lloc o cosa adjacent o situada prop d'una altra.

  • A fellow human.

    Un company humà.

  • Used as a form of familiar address.

    S'utilitza com una forma d'adreça familiar.

  • To lie close to or border directly on.

    Estar a prop o a la frontera directament.

  • To live or be situated close by.

    Viure o estar a prop.

  • Situated or living near another: a neighbor state.

    Situat o vivint a prop d'un altre: un estat veí.

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