naive-ingenu: pengertian, definisi dan terjemahan

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Apa itu naive?naive adalah ingenu

Apa itu ingenu?

  • Lacking worldly experience and understanding, especially:
    Mancada d'experiència i comprensió mundanes, especialment:
  • Simple and guileless; artless: a child with a naive charm.
    Simple i sense culpa; sense art: un nen amb un encant ingenu.
  • Unsuspecting or credulous: "Students, often bright but naive, bet—and lose—substantial sums of money on sporting events” ( Tim Layden).
    Desprevingut o crèdul:
  • Showing or characterized by a lack of sophistication and critical judgment: "this extravagance of metaphors, with its naive bombast” ( H.L. Mencken).
    Mostrar o caracteritzar-se per una manca de sofisticació i judici crític:
  • Not previously subjected to experiments: testing naive mice.
    No prèviament sotmesos a experiments: provant ratolins ingenus.
  • Not having previously taken or received a particular drug: persons naive to marijuana.
    No haver pres prèviament o rebut una droga en particular: persones ingènues a la marihuana.
  • One who is artless, credulous, or uncritical.
    Un que és sense art, crèdul o acrític.