marry-casar-se amb: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is marry? marry is casar-se amb

What is casar-se amb?

  • To join as spouses by exchanging vows.

    Unir-se com a cònjuges mitjançant l'intercanvi de vots.

  • To take as a spouse.

    Prendre com a cònjuge.

  • To give in marriage.

    Per donar en matrimoni.

  • To perform a marriage ceremony for: The rabbi married the couple.

    Per realitzar una cerimònia de matrimoni per a: El rabí es va casar amb la parella.

  • To obtain by marriage: marry money.

    Per obtenir per matrimoni: casar diners.

  • Nautical To join (two ropes) end to end by interweaving their strands.

    Nàutica Per unir(dues cordes) d'extrem a extrem entrellaçant els seus fils.

  • To unite in a close, usually permanent way: "His material marries the domestic and the exotic” ( Clifton Fadiman).

    Per unir-se d'una manera propera, normalment permanent:

  • To take a husband or wife; wed: They married in their twenties.

    Per prendre un marit o una dona; dc: Es van casar als vint anys.

  • To combine or blend agreeably: Let the flavors marry overnight.

    Per combinar o barrejar d'acord: Deixeu que els sabors es casin durant la nit.

  • Archaic Used as an exclamation of surprise or emphasis.

    Arcaic Utilitzat com a exclamació de sorpresa o èmfasi.

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