drive-unitat: significado, definições e traduções

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O que é drive?drive é unitat

O que é unitat?

  • To push, propel, or press onward forcibly; urge forward: drove the horses into the corral.
    Per empènyer, impulsar o premeu endavant força; instar endavant: conduïa els cavalls en el corral.
  • To repulse or put to flight by force or influence: drove the attackers away; drove out any thought of failure.
    Rebutjar o posar al vol per força o influència: conduïa els atacants lluny; conduïa fora qualsevol pensament de fracàs.
  • To guide, control, or direct (a vehicle).
    Orientar, control, o directament (un vehicle).
  • To convey or transport in a vehicle: drove the children to school.
    Per transmetre o en un vehicle de transport: va portar els nens a escola.
  • To traverse in a vehicle: drive the freeways to work.
    Travessar en un vehicle: conduir a les autopistes per treballar.
  • To supply the motive force or power to and cause to function: Steam drives the engine.
    Per proporcionar la força motriu o poder per i causar a funció: vapor condueix el motor.
  • To cause or sustain, as if by supplying force or power: "The current merger mania is apparently driven by an urge . . . to reduce risk or to exploit opportunities in a very rapidly changing business environment” ( Peter Passell).
    Causar o sostenir, com si pel subministrament de força o poder: la mania de fusió actual aparentment és impulsada per una necessitat... per reduir el risc o per aprofitar les oportunitats en un entorn empresarial canviant molt ràpidament "(Peter Passell).
  • To compel or force to work, often excessively: "Every serious dancer is driven by notions of perfection—perfect expressiveness, perfect technique” ( Susan Sontag).
    A obligar o forçar a treballar, sovint excessivament: cada ballarina greu és impulsat per les nocions de perfecció — perfecte expressivitat, tècnica perfecta "(Susan Sontag).
  • To force into or from a particular act or state: Indecision drives me crazy.
    Forçar a o d'un determinat acte o estat: indecisió empentes jo crazy.
  • To force to go through or penetrate: drove the stake into the ground.
    Per forçar a passar o penetrar: conduir la foguera a terra.
  • To create or produce by penetrating forcibly: The nail drove a hole in the tire.
    Per crear o produir penetrant forçosament: L'ungla va conduir un forat al pneumàtic.
  • To carry through vigorously to a conclusion: drove home his point; drive a hard bargain.
    Per portar-ho enèrgicament a una conclusió: va portar a casa el seu punt; Negociar durament.
  • Sports To throw, strike, or cast (a ball, for example) hard or rapidly.
    Esports Per llançar, colpejar o llançar (una pilota, per exemple) dur o ràpid.
  • Basketball To move with the ball directly through: drove the lane and scored.
    Bàsquet Per moure's amb la pilota directament a través: va conduir el carril i va marcar.
  • Baseball To cause (a run or runner) to be scored by batting. Often used with in.
    Beisbol per provocar que (una cursa o corredor) sigui puntuat per batut. Sovint s'utilitza amb in.
  • To chase (game) into the open or into traps or nets.
    Per perseguir (joc) a l'aire lliure o en trampes o xarxes.
  • To search (an area) for game in such a manner.
    Cercar (una àrea) per al joc d'aquesta manera.
  • To move along or advance quickly as if pushed by an impelling force.
    Moure's o avançar ràpidament com si fos empès per una força impulsora.
  • To rush, dash, or advance violently against an obstruction: The wind drove into my face.
    Per precipitar-me, córrer o avançar violentament contra una obstrucció: El vent em va llançar a la cara.
  • To operate a vehicle, such as a car.
    Per operar un vehicle, com ara un cotxe.
  • To go or be transported in a vehicle: drove to the supermarket.
    Per anar o ser transportat en un vehicle: conduir fins al supermercat.
  • Sports To hit, throw, or impel a ball or other missile forcibly.
    Esports Per colpejar, llançar o empeltar una pilota o un altre míssil forçosament.
  • Basketball To move directly to the basket with the ball.
    Bàsquet Per moure's directament a la cistella amb la pilota.
  • To make an effort to reach or achieve an objective; aim.
    Fer un esforç per assolir o assolir un objectiu; apuntar.
  • The act of driving.
    L'acte de conduir.