dribble-regat: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is dribble?dribble is regat

What is regat?

  • To flow or fall in drops or an unsteady stream; trickle: Water dribbled from the leaky faucet.
    Fluir o caure en gotes o en una seqüència insuficient; trickle: Aigua gotejant de l'aixeta filtrada.
  • To let saliva drip from the mouth; drool.
    Deixar que la saliva es degoti de la boca; bavejar.
  • Sports To dribble a ball or puck.
    Esports Per degotar una pilota o puck.
  • Sports To advance by dribbling: dribbled down the court.
    Esports Per avançar degoteig: degoteig per la pista.
  • To let flow or fall in drops or an unsteady stream.
    Deixar fluir o caure en gotes o un corrent inestable.
  • Sports To move (a ball or puck) by repeated light bounces or kicks, as in basketball or soccer.
    Esports per moure (una pilota o un puck) per repetits rebots lleugers o xuts, com en el bàsquet o el futbol.
  • Sports To hit (a baseball, for example) so that it bounces slowly.
    Esports per colpejar (un beisbol, per exemple) perquè reboti lentament.
  • A weak, unsteady stream; a trickle.
    Un corrent feble i inestable; un degoteig.
  • A small quantity; a bit.
    Una petita quantitat; una mica.
  • Sports The act of dribbling a ball.
    L'esport és l'acte de degotar una pilota.