dispatch-despatx: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is dispatch? dispatch is despatx

What is despatx?

  • To relegate to a specific destination or send on specific business. See Synonyms at send1.

    Releguen a un destí específic o enviar a l'activitat concretes. Vegeu els sinònims a send1.

  • To complete, transact, or dispose of promptly.

    Per completar, tramitar, o disposar de puntualment.

  • To eat up (food); finish off (a dish or meal).

    Per menjar (aliment); acabar (un plat o un àpat).

  • To put to death summarily.

    Per posar a la mort summarily.

  • The act of sending off, as to a specific destination.

    L'acte d'enviar, com a una destinació concreta.

  • Dismissal or rejection of something regarded as unimportant or unworthy of consideration: "[his] breezy dispatch of another Establishment fiction writer” ( Christopher Hitchens).

    Destitució o rebuig d'alguna cosa considerada com a poc important o indigne de consideració: "[el seu] breu despatx d'un altre escriptor de ficció de l'establishment" (Christopher Hitchens).

  • The act of putting to death.

    L'acte de matar.

  • Speed in performance or movement. See Synonyms at haste.

    Velocitat en el rendiment o en el moviment. Vegeu Sinònims a corre-cuita.

  • A written message, particularly an official communication, sent with speed.

    Un missatge escrit, especialment una comunicació oficial, enviat amb celeritat.

  • An important message sent by a diplomat or an officer in the armed forces.
  • A news item sent to a news organization, as by a correspondent.
  • An organization or conveyance for delivering goods.

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