cool-fresc: ความหมาย คำอธิบายความหมายและคำแปล


cool คืออะไรcool แปลว่า fresc

fresc คืออะไร

  • Marked by indifference, disdain, or dislike; unfriendly or unresponsive: a cool greeting; was cool to the idea of higher taxes.
    Marcat per la indiferència, menyspreu o desagradar; insensible o hostil: una salutació fresca; va ser genial a la idea de més impostos.
  • Neither warm nor very cold; moderately cold: fresh, cool water; a cool autumn evening.
    Ni calent ni molt fred; moderadament freds: fresc, cool aigua; un fred vespre de tardor.
  • Giving or suggesting relief from heat: a cool breeze; a cool blouse.
    Donant o suggerint alleujament de calor: una brisa fresca; una brusa fresc.
  • Marked by calm self-control: a cool negotiator.
    Marcat per la calma autocontrol: un negociador fresc.
  • Of, relating to, or characteristic of colors, such as blue and green, that produce the impression of coolness.
    De, relatius als o característics de colors, com el blau i verd, que produeixen la impressió de frescor.
  • Slang Excellent; first-rate: has a cool sports car; had a cool time at the party.
    Argot excel·lent; primera categoria: té un cotxe esportiu fresc; tenia un moment de fresc a la festa.
  • Slang Acceptable; satisfactory: It's cool if you don't want to talk about it.
    Argot Acceptable; satisfactòria: és genial si vostè no vol parlar-ne.
  • Slang Entire; full: worth a cool million.
    Argot tot; ple: val la pena un fresc milions.
  • Informal In a casual manner; nonchalantly: play it cool.
    Informal d'una manera casual; indiferentment: jugar que es refredi.
  • To make less warm.
    Fer menys càlida.
  • To make less ardent, intense, or zealous: problems that soon cooled my enthusiasm for the project.
    Fer menys ardent, intens o zel: problemes que aviat es va refredar el meu entusiasme pel projecte.
  • Physics To reduce the molecular or kinetic energy of (an object).
    Física per reduir l'energia cinètica o molecular (un objecte).
  • To become less warm: took a dip to cool off.
    Per fer-se menys càlid: preneu-vos una capbussada per refrescar-vos.
  • To become calmer: needed time for tempers to cool.
    Per calmar-se: cal temps perquè els temperats es refredin.
  • A cool place, part, or time: the cool of early morning.
    Un lloc fresc, una part o una hora: la fresca de matinada.
  • The state or quality of being cool.
    L'estat o qualitat de ser fresc.
  • Composure; poise: "Our release marked a victory. The nation had kept its cool” ( Moorhead Kennedy).
    Composició; poise:
  • cool it Slang To calm down; relax.
    refredar argot per calmar-se; relaxar-se.
  • cool it Slang To stop doing something.
    refredar argot per parada fent alguna cosa.
  • cool (one's) heels Informal To wait or be kept waiting.
    fresc (un) talons informals per esperar o mantenir-se esperant.