consolidate-consolidar: pengertian, definisi dan terjemahan

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Apa itu consolidate?consolidate adalah consolidar

Apa itu consolidar?

  • To unite into one system or whole; combine: consolidated five separate agencies into a single department.
    Unir-se en un sistema o en un altre; combinen: cinc organismes separats consolidats en un sol departament.
  • To make strong or secure; strengthen: She consolidated her power during her first year in office.
    Per fer fort o segur; Va consolidar el seu poder durant el seu primer any en el càrrec.
  • To make firm or coherent; form into a compact mass.
  • To become solidified or united.
    Solidificar-se o unir-se.
  • To join in a merger or union: The two firms consolidated under a new name.