complete-completar: pengertian, definisi dan terjemahan

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Apa itu complete? complete adalah completar

Apa itu completar?

  • Having all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps; entire: a complete meal.

    Tenint totes les peces necessàries o normals, components o passos; tot: un àpat complet.

  • Botany Having all principal parts, namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil or pistils. Used of a flower.

    Botànica tenint totes les parts principals, és a dir, els sèpals, pètals, estams i pistil o pistils. Utilitzar d'una flor.

  • Having come to an end; concluded.

    Havent arribat a un final; va concloure.

  • Absolute; total: "In Cairo I have seen buildings which were falling down as they were being put up, buildings whose incompletion was complete” ( William H. Gass).

    Absoluta; total: A el Caire he vist edificis que queien com van ser posen en marxa, el CNI era complet d'edificis "(William H. Gass).

  • Skilled; accomplished: a complete musician.

    Qualificats; acomplert: un músic complet.

  • Thorough; consummate: a complete coward.

    Exhaustiu; consumat: un covard complet.

  • Football Caught in bounds by a receiver: a complete pass.

    Futbol atrapat en límits per un receptor: una passada completa.

  • To bring to a finish or an end: She has completed her studies.

    Per acabar o acabar: Ha finalitzat els seus estudis.

  • To make whole, with all necessary elements or parts: A second child would complete their family.

    Per fer sencera, amb tots els elements o parts necessàries: Un segon fill completaria la seva família.

  • Football To throw (a forward pass) so as to be caught by a receiver.

    Futbol per llançar (una passada endavant) per ser capturat per un receptor.

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