commercial-comercial: betydelser, definitioner og oversætninger

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Hvad er commercial? commercial hedder comercial

Hvad er comercial?

  • Of or relating to commerce: a commercial loan; a commercial attaché. Engaged in commerce: a commercial trucker.

    O relacionat amb el comerç: un préstec comercial; un agregat comercial. Dedicada al comerç: un camioner comercial.

  • Relating to or being goods that are produced and distributed in large quantities.

    En relació o ser béns produïts i distribuïts en grans quantitats.

  • Having profit as a chief aim: a commercial publisher. Intended for or appealing to a large audience: commercial art.

    Tenir beneficis com a objectiu principal: un editor comercial. Destinat o atractiu per a un gran públic: l'art comercial.

  • Sponsored by an advertiser or paid for by advertising: commercial television.

    Patrocinat per un anunciant o pagat per publicitat: televisió comercial.

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