baton-batuta: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is baton? baton is batuta

What is batuta?

  • Music A slender wooden stick or rod used by a conductor to direct an orchestra or band.

    Música A esvelta pal fusta o canya utilitzat per un director d'orquestra per dirigir una orquestra o grup.

  • A hollow metal rod with a heavy rubber tip or tips that is wielded and twirled by a drum major or drum majorette.

    Una barra de metall buit amb una punta de goma pesat o consells que és exercit i twirled per un tambor major o majorette de tambor.

  • A short staff carried by certain public officials as a symbol of office.

    Un personal curt portat per certs funcionaris públics com a símbol d'ofici.

  • Sports The hollow cylinder that is carried by each member of a relay team in a running race and passed to the next team member.

    Esports El cilindre buit que és portat per cada membre d'un equip de relleus en una cursa de running i va passar al següent membre de l'equip.

  • A short stick carried by police; a billy club.

    Un bastó curt portat per la policia; Un club de billy.

  • Heraldry A shortened narrow bend, often signifying bastardy.

    Heràldica Una corba estreta escurçada, sovint significant bastardia.

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