appear-apareixen: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is appear? appear is apareixen

What is apareixen?

  • To become visible: a plane appearing in the sky.

    A ser visible: un avió que apareix en el cel.

  • To come into existence: New strains of viruses appear periodically.

    Existència: apareixen de noves soques de virus periòdicament.

  • To seem or look to be: appeared unhappy. See Synonyms at seem.

    Sembla o aspecte que: va aparèixer infeliç. Vegeu els sinònims a semblar.

  • To seem likely: They will be late, as it appears.

    Sembla probable: arribaran tard, com sembla.

  • To come before the public: has appeared in two plays; appears on the nightly news.

    Per venir davant del públic: ha aparegut en dues obres de teatre; Apareix a les notícies nocturnes.

  • Law To present oneself formally before a court as defendant, plaintiff, or counsel.

    Llei Presentar-se formalment davant d'un tribunal com a acusat, demandant o advocat.

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