another-un altre:释义和翻译

英语 词典%dictionary_xs%加泰隆语

什么是 anotheranotherun altre

什么是 un altre

  • One more; an additional: had another cup of coffee.
    Un més; addicional: tenia una altra Copa de cafè.
  • Distinctly different from the first: took another route to town.
    De la primera: va prendre una altra ruta a la ciutat.
  • Some other: put it off to another day.
    Altres: ho posposi per un altre dia.
  • An additional one: one encore followed by another.
    Un addicional: un encore seguit per un altre.
  • A different one: This shirt is too big; I'll try another.
    Una altra: Aquesta camisa és massa gran; Intentaré un altre.
  • One of an undetermined number or group: for one reason or another. See Usage Note at each other.
    Un d'un nombre o grup indeterminat: per una raó o una altra. Vegeu Nota d'ús l'un a l'altre.