bundle: signification et définitions

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Qu'est-ce qu'un bundle?

  • A group of objects held together, as by tying or wrapping.
  • Something wrapped or tied up for carrying; a package.
  • Biology A cluster or strand of closely bound muscle or nerve fibers.
  • Botany A vascular bundle.
  • Informal A large amount; a lot: had a bundle of fun at the dance.
  • Informal A large sum of money: made a bundle selling real estate.
  • To tie, wrap, or gather together.
  • To dispatch or dispense of quickly and with little fuss; hustle: bundled the child off to school.
  • To dress (a person) warmly: bundled them up in winter clothes.
  • To hurry; hasten: The children came bundling in from outside.
  • To dress oneself warmly.
  • To sleep in the same bed while fully clothed, a custom formerly practiced by engaged couples in New England and in Wales.