buffet : अर्थ और परिभाषाएं

अंग्रेज़ीएक शब्द टाइप करें

buffet क्या हैं?

  • A large sideboard with drawers and cupboards.
  • A counter or table from which meals or refreshments are served.
  • A restaurant having such a counter.
  • A meal at which guests serve themselves from various dishes displayed on a table or sideboard.
  • Informally served: a buffet luncheon.
  • A blow or cuff with or as if with the hand.
  • To hit or beat, especially repeatedly.
  • To strike against forcefully; batter: winds that buffeted the tent. See Synonyms at beat.
  • To drive or force with or as if with repeated blows: was buffeted about from job to job by the vagaries of the economy.
  • To force (one's way) with difficulty.
  • To force one's way with difficulty: a ship buffeting against the wind.