

什么是 brake

  • A device for slowing or stopping motion, as of a vehicle, especially by contact friction.
  • Something that slows or stops action.
  • To reduce the speed of with or as if with a brake.
  • To operate or apply a brake.
  • To be slowed or stopped by or as if by the operation of a brake.
  • A toothed device for crushing and beating flax or hemp.
  • A heavy harrow for breaking clods of earth.
  • An apparatus for kneading large amounts of dough.
  • A machine for bending and folding sheet metal.
  • To crush (flax or hemp) in a toothed device.
  • To break up (clods of earth) with a harrow.
  • A lever or handle on a machine such as a pump.
  • Any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants.
  • Any of certain other ferns, such as the bracken or the cliff brake.
  • An area overgrown with dense brushwood, briers, and undergrowth; a thicket.
  • Variant of break.
  • Archaic A past tense of break.