bond: ความหมายและคำอธิบายความหมาย


bond คืออะไร

  • Something, such as a fetter, cord, or band, that binds, ties, or fastens things together.
  • Confinement in prison; captivity. Often used in the plural.
  • A uniting force or tie; a link: the familial bond.
  • A binding agreement; a covenant.
  • A duty, promise, or other obligation by which one is bound.
  • A substance or agent that causes two or more objects or parts to cohere.
  • The union or cohesion brought about by such a substance or agent.
  • A chemical bond.
  • A systematically overlapping or alternating arrangement of bricks or stones in a wall, designed to increase strength and stability.
  • Law A written and sealed obligation, especially one requiring payment of a stipulated amount of money on or before a given day.
  • Law A sum of money paid as bail or surety.
  • Law A bail bondsman.
  • A certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date.
  • The condition of taxable goods being stored in a warehouse until the taxes or duties owed on them are paid.
  • An insurance contract in which an agency guarantees payment to an employer in the event of unforeseen financial loss through the actions of an employee.
  • Bond paper.
  • To mortgage or place a guaranteed bond on.
  • To furnish bond or surety for.
  • To place (an employee, for example) under bond or guarantee.
  • To join securely, as with glue or cement.
  • To join (two or more individuals) in or as if in a nurturing relationship: "What bonded [the two men]—who spoke rarely and have little personal rapport—was patience and a conviction that uncontrolled inflation endangers . . . society” ( Robert J. Samuelson).
  • To lay (bricks or stones) in an overlapping or alternating pattern.
  • To cohere with or as if with a bond.
  • To form a close personal relationship.