bolt: pengertian dan definisi

InggrisKetik sebuah kata

Apa itu bolt?

  • A bar made of wood or metal that slides into a socket and is used to fasten doors and gates.
  • A metal bar or rod in the mechanism of a lock that is thrown or withdrawn by turning the key.
  • A fastener consisting of a threaded pin or rod with a head at one end, designed to be inserted through holes in assembled parts and secured by a mated nut that is tightened by applying torque.
  • A sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles, closes the breech, and ejects the spent cartridge.
  • A similar device in any breech mechanism.
  • A short, heavy arrow with a thick head, used especially with a crossbow.
  • A flash of lightning; a thunderbolt.
  • A sudden or unexpected event: The announcement was a veritable bolt.
  • A sudden movement toward or away.
  • A large roll of cloth of a definite length, especially as it comes from the loom.
  • To secure or lock with or as if with a bolt.
  • To arrange or roll (lengths of cloth, for example) on or in a bolt.
  • To eat (food) hurriedly and with little chewing; gulp.
  • To desert or withdraw support from (a political party).
  • To utter impulsively; blurt.
  • Archaic To shoot or discharge (a missile, such as an arrow).
  • To move or spring suddenly.
  • To start suddenly and run away: The horse bolted at the sound of the shot. The frightened child bolted from the room.
  • To break away from an affiliation, as from a political party.
  • Botany To flower or produce seeds prematurely or develop a flowering stem from a rosette.
  • bolt from the blue A sudden, shocking surprise or turn of events.
  • bolt upright In a rigidly vertical position: sat bolt upright.
  • To pass (flour, for example) through a sieve.