bloom: значение и определения

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Что такое bloom?

  • The flower of a plant.
  • Something resembling the flower of a plant: "Her hair was caught all to one side in a great bloom of frizz” ( Anne Tyler).
  • The condition of being in flower: a rose in full bloom.
  • A condition or time of vigor, freshness, and beauty; prime: "the radiant bloom of Greek genius” ( Edith Hamilton).
  • A fresh, rosy complexion: "She was short, plump, and fair, with a fine bloom” ( Jane Austen).
  • A waxy or powdery whitish to bluish coating on the surface of certain plant parts, as on cabbage leaves or on a plum or grape.
  • A similar coating, as on newly minted coins.
  • Grayish blotches or streaks on the surface of chocolate produced by the formation of cocoa butter crystals.
  • Chemistry See efflorescence.
  • Glare that is caused by a shiny object reflecting too much light into a television camera.
  • A visible, colored area on the surface of bodies of water caused by excessive planktonic growth.
  • To bear a flower or flowers.
  • To support plant life in abundance: rains that made the yard bloom.
  • To shine; glow.
  • To grow or flourish with youth and vigor.
  • To appear or expand suddenly: White vapor bloomed from the side of the rocket's fuel tank.
  • To cause to flourish.
  • Obsolete To cause to flower.
  • A bar of steel prepared for rolling.
  • A mass of wrought iron ready for further working.