beat: significato e definizioni

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Cos'è beat?

  • To strike repeatedly.
  • To subject to repeated beatings or physical abuse; batter.
  • To punish by hitting or whipping; flog.
  • To strike against repeatedly and with force; pound: waves beating the shore.
  • To flap, especially wings.
  • To strike so as to produce music or a signal: beat a drum.
  • Music To mark or count (time or rhythm), especially with the hands or with a baton.
  • To shape or break by repeated blows; forge: beat the glowing metal into a dagger.
  • To make by pounding or trampling: beat a path through the jungle.
  • To mix rapidly with a utensil: beat two eggs in a bowl.
  • To defeat or subdue, as in a contest.
  • To force to withdraw or retreat: beat back the enemy.
  • To dislodge from a position: I beat him down to a lower price.
  • Informal To be superior to or better than: Riding beats walking.
  • Slang To perplex or baffle: It beats me; I don't know the answer.
  • Informal To avoid or counter the effects of, often by thinking ahead; circumvent: beat the traffic.
  • Informal To arrive or finish before (another): We beat you home by five minutes.
  • Informal To deprive, as by craft or ability: He beat me out of 20 dollars with his latest scheme.
  • Physics To cause a reference wave to combine with (a second wave) so that the frequency of the second wave can be studied through time variations in the amplitude of the combination.
  • To inflict repeated blows.
  • To pulsate; throb.
  • To emit sound when struck: The gong beat thunderously.
  • To strike a drum.
  • To flap repeatedly.
  • To shine or glare intensely: The sun beat down on us all day.