bar: betekenis en definities

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What is bar?

  • A relatively long, straight, rigid piece of solid material used as a fastener, support, barrier, or structural or mechanical member.
  • A solid oblong block of a substance, such as soap or candy.
  • A rectangular block of a precious metal.
  • Sports A horizontal bar.
  • Sports A horizontal rod that marks the height to be cleared in high jumping or pole vaulting.
  • A standard, expectation, or degree of requirement: a leader whose example set a high bar for others.
  • Something that impedes or prevents action or progress. See Synonyms at obstacle.
  • A ridge, as of sand or gravel, on a shore or streambed, that is formed by the action of tides or currents.
  • A narrow marking, as a stripe or band.
  • A narrow metal or embroidered strip worn on a military uniform indicating rank or service.
  • Chiefly British A small insignia worn on a military decoration indicating that it has been awarded an additional time.
  • Heraldry A pair of horizontal parallel lines drawn across a shield.
  • Law The nullification, defeat, or prevention of a claim or action.
  • Law The process by which nullification, defeat, or prevention is achieved.
  • The railing in a courtroom enclosing the part of the room where the judges and lawyers sit, witnesses are heard, and prisoners are tried.
  • A place of judgment; a tribunal.
  • Law Attorneys considered as a group.
  • Law The profession of law.
  • Music A vertical line drawn through a staff to mark off a measure.
  • Music A measure.
  • Variant of barre.
  • A counter at which drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, and sometimes food, are served.
  • An establishment or room having such a counter.
  • To fasten securely with a long, straight, rigid piece of material.
  • To shut in or out with or as if with bars.