back: Bedeutung und Definitionen

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Was heißt back?

  • The posterior portion of the trunk of the human body between the neck and the pelvis; the dorsum.
  • The analogous dorsal region in other animals.
  • The backbone or spine.
  • The part or area farthest from the front.
  • The part opposite to or behind that adapted for view or use: the back of the hand; wrote on the back of the photograph.
  • The reverse side, as of a coin.
  • A part that supports or strengthens from the rear: the back of a couch.
  • The part of a book where the pages are stitched or glued together into the binding.
  • The binding itself.
  • Sports A player who takes a position behind the front line of other players in certain games, such as football and soccer.
  • Sports This playing position.
  • To cause to move backward or in a reverse direction: Back the car up and then make the turn.
  • To furnish or strengthen with a back or backing.
  • To provide with financial or moral support; support or endorse: Unions backed the pro-labor candidate. See Synonyms at support.
  • To provide with musical accompaniment. Often used with up.
  • To bet or wager on.
  • To adduce evidence in support of; substantiate: backed the argument with facts.
  • To form the back or background of: Snowcapped mountains back the village.
  • To move backward: backed out of the garage.
  • To shift to a counterclockwise direction. Used of the wind.
  • Located or placed in the rear: Deliveries should be made at the back entrance.
  • Distant from a center of activity; remote.
  • Of a past date; not current: a back issue of a periodical.
  • Being owed or due from an earlier time; in arrears: back pay.
  • Being in a backward direction.