arenaria betydelser och definitioner

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Vad är arenaria?

  • In ornithology:
  • A disused specific name of several shore-birds or limicoline species of Scolopacidæ, as the redshank, Totanus calidris.
  • A generic name of the turnstone, Strepsilas interpres.
  • A generic name of the sanderling, Calidris arenaria.
  • The specific name of the same. Linnœus, 1758, and most modern writers.
  • A genus of bivalve mollusks, of the family Tellinidœ: synonymous with Scrobicularia.
  • In botany, an unimportant genus of low herbs, of the natural order Caryophyllaceœ, allied to the chickweeds; the sandworts.