

什么是 accent

  • The relative prominence of a particular syllable of a word by greater intensity or by variation or modulation of pitch or tone.
  • Vocal prominence or emphasis given to a particular syllable, word, or phrase.
  • A characteristic pronunciation, especially:
  • One determined by the regional or social background of the speaker.
  • One determined by the phonetic habits of the speaker's native language carried over to his or her use of another language.
  • A mark or symbol used in the printing and writing of certain languages to indicate the vocal quality to be given to a particular letter: an acute accent.
  • A mark or symbol used in printing and writing to indicate the stressed syllables of a spoken word.
  • Rhythmically significant stress in a line of verse.
  • Music Emphasis or prominence given to a note or chord, as by an increase in volume or extended duration.
  • Music A mark representing this.
  • Mathematics A mark used as a superscript to distinguish among variables represented by the same symbol.
  • Mathematics A mark used as a superscript to indicate the first derivative of a variable.
  • A mark or one of several marks used as a superscript to indicate a unit, such as feet (ʹ) and inches (〞) in linear measurement.
  • A distinctive feature or quality, such as a feature that accentuates, contrasts with, or complements a decorative style.
  • Something that accentuates or contrasts something else, as a touch of color that makes the features of an image stand out.
  • Particular importance or interest; emphasis: The accent is on comfort. See Synonyms at emphasis.
  • To stress or emphasize the pronunciation of.
  • To mark with a printed accent.
  • To focus attention on; accentuate: a program that accents leadership development.