vendre-sell: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is vendre?vendre is sell

What is sell?

  • Donar o oferir una cosa a canvi d'una determinada quantitat de diners: el Gil es dedica a vendre electrodomèstics.
    Donate or offer something in exchange for a certain amount of money: Gil is dedicated to selling appliances.
  • Oferir una cosa que no té valor material a canvi de diners o d'un altre benefici: va vendre la seva dignitat per aconseguir un ascens.
    Offer something that has no material value in exchange for money or other benefit: he sold his dignity to achieve a promotion.
  • Donar una informació com a certa: no se sap ben bé com va anar, però a mi m'han venut que es van arruïnar.
    Give information as true: it is not known exactly how it went, but I have been sold that they were ruined.
  • Trair l'amistat o la confiança d'una persona en benefici propi: per convertir-se en director, va vendre el seu millor amic.
    Betray a person's friendship or trust for their own benefit: to become a director, he sold his best friend.
  • vendre's  Deixar-se corrompre per algú, posant-se al seu servei o fent-li un favor, a canvi d'un benefici: van intentar subornar el fiscal, però ell no es va vendre.
    sell themselves Corrupted by someone, putting themselves at your service or doing them a favor, in exchange for a profit: they tried to bribe the prosecutor, but he did not sell himself.