trobar-find: kelime anlamı, tanımları ve çevirileri

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find nedir?

  • Descobrir una persona o una cosa que s'estava buscant: finalment he trobat les claus de casa. sin:  retrobar
    Find a person or a thing that I was looking for: Finally I have found the house keys. Sin: reunited
  • Veure aparèixer per casualitat una persona o una cosa que no es buscava: avui m'he trobat en Joan al mercat.
    View appear by chance a person or a thing that will not be searched for: today I've found John in the market.
  • Notar o veure que algú o alguna cosa es presenta amb unes qualitats o en unes circumstàncies determinades: et trobo molt canviat.
    Notice or see someone or something is presented with qualities or in certain circumstances: I find myself very changed.
  • Pensar, creure o considerar una cosa: trobo que hauries de demanar un augment de sou.
    Think, believe or consider one thing: I find that you should ask for a raise in salary.
  • trobar-se  Sentir-se, una persona, d'una determinada manera: avui em trobo molt cansat.
    find yourself feeling, a person in a certain way: today I find myself very tired.
  • Reunir-se, dues o més persones, en una mateix lloc per fer alguna cosa determinada: ens trobarem davant del cinema a dos quarts de deu.
    Meet, two or more people, in the same place to do something certain: we will meet in front of the cinema at half past ten.
  • Ser, una persona, en un lloc determinat: quan van desallotjar l'edifici, jo m'hi trobava dins.
    To be, a person, in a certain place: when they evicted the building, I was inside.