tranquil-quiet: pengertian, definisi dan terjemahan

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Apa itu tranquil? tranquil adalah quiet

Apa itu quiet?

  • Que no presenta agitació, ni moviment, ni soroll: la mar estava completament tranquil·la.

    That presents no agitation, no movement, no noise: the sea was completely calm.

  • [persona] Que té un estat d'ànim serè i assossegat, i que no té preocupacions ni nervis: el pacient estava molt tranquil.

    [person] That he has a calm and calm mood, and that he has no worries or nerves: the patient was very calm.

  • [persona] Que no es preocupa per res:és molt tranquil, estan operant el seu fill i està prenent una cervesa amb els amics. sin:  feliç

    [person] He doesn't care about anything -- he's very quiet, they're operating his son and he's having a beer with friends. sin: happy

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